New Leaf

The project was to design a brand of a non-profit about an important social issue. I chose to focus on sustainable agriculture because I've been taught how to garden since a young age and understanding ways to minimize our food waste is something that I'm passionate about.

When the production of food and fiber degrades the natural resource base, the ability of future generations to produce and flourish decreases. The decline of ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean region, Pre-Columbian southwest U.S. and Central America is believed to have been strongly influenced by natural resource degradation from non-sustainable farming and forestry practices. A sustainable agriculture approach seeks to utilize natural resources in such a way that they can regenerate their productive capacity, and also minimize harmful impacts on ecosystems beyond a field's edge.
I think the sustainable agriculture audience is an interesting one to touch on. Mostly because people tend to seek out these organizations. What makes that unique is that the audience is trying to figure why you care. In an article by Andrew Warner, he explains this by saying, “That complexity doesn’t allow marketers to settle for paying lip service to a hot topic. These “essential” folks want to know not just what you stand for but why you stand for it. And they need to know you care before they will care about what you know.” The people seeking out these orgs need to know you care before they will care what you know. It’s also important to understand that sustainable agriculture can be broken down into three types ofsustain ablility. Environmental, economic, social sustainablilty. Environmental sustainablility being the most broad as it is the well being of the whole planet. Economic sustainability helping farmers recoup their losses because of unforeseeable events that happen. Lastly, social sustainability is bringing back the growing disparity between the people and where their food comes from. That being said, there can be a lot of people from a lot of different lifestyles and backgrounds, who could be interested in each of these. What I’ve seen from competitors, is a much more broad attempt at giving information. They really walk a fine line between giving too much information that is not wanted and just the right amount. They do so by providing options for choose what you’re specifically looking for.