My coffee shop is based off of folk music. Folk music has a long standing history of being a political movement. It stands to be a symbol of freedom and expressiveness. I mostly listen to more contemporary folk music and that tends to be more of an outlet for artists to express their freedom and love. I tend to get a lot of unity and feeling of community when listening to folk music. I wanted to base my design on the feeling of freedom, unity and community. I wanted my font to have those curves that flow into each of the letters. The curves give a free flowing look and also provides ways for the letters to fit in together well. I like that letters can nestle in together, as that feels like unity to me. It’s like when you are going to a folk concert and there is a song that everyone sings along to. I think that is one of the more successful parts of my font. When first designing my font, I thought it should be much more grounded. I still have those aspects where some of the letters have a big bottom. I like having them there because older folk music has more of the grounded feeling. It visual works as well because it allowed me a lot of freedom in designing how my letters looked.